Monday, September 28, 2009

Passing by Nokomis

Discovered the Nokomis Coffee Cafe today. It's a mellow joint with what appeared to be pretty good food. Espresso not so hot but you knew I'd probably say that. 5-6 great espresso joints in the Twin Cities makes a man desperate.. Oh how I wish Public Coffee House would open!


  1. Any way I could get you to give a quick synopsis of what an ideal espresso encapsulates? Obviously this is an opinion question, but it seems your opinion may be worth regarding.

  2. I guess I would refer you to my two posts on the subject...

  3. Thanks for the reference. If you're ever in Columbia, stop in. I think Vida Coffee Co will set a new high-bar for you.

  4. Nokomis does have an excellent asset to offer, even if their espresso is sub-par. They get their pastries from the shop up the street: A Baker's Wife. A neighborhood staple for many years. Try the cherry cream cheese danish and be prepared to OD on it. It's big enough for 3. (of me, that is) Their pear tart is excellent too!
